Most common question these days asked by business owners is, which of the available printing methods are better than other. There are two main printing methods, Digital printing and Offset printing. There are other methods available as well like Screen printing but most common and widely used are the Digital printing and offset Printing. Now question arises, which one is superior than the other. Below are few of the Digital printing and offset printing method comparison factors those determin which is better than the other. By reading the below parameters business owners can easily decide with which method to go for the printing of their custom printed boxes or other printing materials.
Digital Printing
– Fastes printing method available at the moment.
– No need for printing setup like plates
– Cheap equipment and easily available in the market with lots of variations and brands
– Fully automatic equipment with minimum human interfarance in printing
– CMYK color printing with some advance printers offering Specific most commonly used PMS colors
– Only one human resource can handle the printing
– Direct artwork feed to the printer with automated setup
– Low cost for short runs but as the quantity increases the cost jumps up
– Ideal for short runs
– Print quality is good but not as good as Offset printing
– Size limitation, only specific size can go through printer and is not feasible for bigger printing papers
– Very costly for printing of large run orders
– Jobs can be completed within an hour time on digital printing press.
– No Minimum order quantity, even one piece can be printed as well

Offset Printing
– Printing setup is required like plates and setup
– Faster in large runs as only setup of the ink and paper takes time and once setup is done, rest of the printing gets completed very fast
– Expensive printing machines / equipment and not available easily in the market as there are few good quality brands those are making these machines like Heidelberg
– Support Advanced CMYK and Hexagon color printing and wide range of PMS Colors
– Very professional and detailed printing result for color rich images compared to digital printing
– Certain human resource is required to run and operate the machine along with helpers
– Some of the advance offset printing press support direct artwork feed as they have built in plates creation process and no separate plates creation is required.
– Low cost for Large runs and costly for short runs compared to digital printing because of setup.
– Ideal for large runs and professional high quality printing
– Many sizes available in the market with some machines supporting up to 70 inch size.
– Minimum of 2 to 3 days are required to print and complete the job at offset printing press because setup required to start and complete the job
– Minimum order quantity (MOQ) is required. Most of the printers don’t entertain printing jobs less than 1000.
By reading the above properties of digital and offset printing methods, one should have clear idea with which rout to go in order to have their custom made boxes printed. Quality wise, offset printing is the best and premium quality printing method available in the market but for small businesses going for the short runs won’t be able to afford the cost of printing. Most of the printers have minimum order quantity requirements and won’t print short orders less than 1000 and that is the main reason small businesses are not able to afford offset printing methods as stat up businesses require their printing materials in the quantity of 50 or 100 or 250.

At, We offer short run printing of boxes and other printing materials using offset printing method as low as 50 or 100 at very much affordable prices!